My name isn't really Lisa Fremont, but it's been my nickname for forever. My husband gave it to me years ago after watching Rear Window. There's a line where James Stewart (L. B. Jeffries) remarks on the lobster dinner Grace Kelly (Lisa Fremont) has prepared, "Lisa, it's perfect . . . as always."
Now mind you, it isn't really a compliment when you hear Stewart say it even though the dinner really is perfect. My husband started quoting the line whenever I would ask his opinion about something.
Also in the movie, Lisa occasionally does something out of the ordinary, something that takes Jeffries by surprise (and secret admiration), like climbing into the suspected murderer's window via the fire escape alongside the balcony outside. Sometimes when I do something that I guess my husband wasn't expecting me to do, he will say, "Well, well, Lisa." So that's how the nickname came about.
Odd thing is that in high school, I had a good friend named Lisa, and we both had the same last name though we were completely unrelated. Because she was about a year older than me classmates would ask if we were sisters, even though we didn't really favor each other. "No," we would say, but even years later, at those few high school reunions, people would ask me about my "sister," and what was she up to these days. Sadly, Lisa died in a housefire a couple of years ago, and I miss her quite a bit.
Check out the movie on Netflicks sometime.